Fun schoolyard stuff to be sure, PS4, XBONE and PC BETTER THAN YOURS only so far. The one worry that has been said was that if there isn't some variation in monster than just the big beefy Goliath the game could get stale.
Cue them basically siccing Cthulhu on us for E3.
Ultimately, this game is going to live or die based on the number of options it gives to keep the games fresh, and Monsters and Hunters and maps are going to be key. The Kraken seems equally at home in water or the air, what about a Monster that can burrow underground? Or a monster that can disguise itself as trees and other terrain? Or a Monster that can spawn minions of some kind? How about a map with lots of visibility reducing snow and mist? With plenty of Ice underfoot, a Frozen Lake thick enough for Humans might prove hazardous to the Monster... unless he can swim or fly over it.
With AC:Unity, The Division, FarCry 4, Destiny and No Man's Sky all on the horizon, Evolve is going to have to fight for space in a games market that is dominated by titles with big names or big developers all with with co-op gameplay, but Turtle Rock Studios have a decent pedigree of their own and hopefully they will deliver enough options to seize the day.
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